Publicity creates Exposure, Exposure creates Desire, Desire creates Pursuit, Pursuit creates and causes Prevail in your life!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Dream - The Monica Hardwick Way #BeLegacyMinded #StPete

Just like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr;
Each and everyone of us must have a dream.
This dream is the thing that unites WHO we are with the WHAT that we want the world to become. The dream is the destination (purpose). Without one, we will always be lost.
Monica Hardwick

But, don't cripple your dream with logic, doubt or evidence. Trust me, dreams have the ability to grow wings, if you let them.

Dreams are always impossible. So, we must use the highest force for completion. We must use faith to execute them to completion.

Never get in the way of someone's dream. People rarely forgive for that. Instead, assist others towards their dreams. You will be loved for it.
NOTE: Heartbreak does not happen when your dreams DO NOT complete themselves. On the contrary, heartbreak happens when the dream is complete. When you are finished. You have arrived at your destination.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

#StPete Monica Hardwick - The Middle Class is dwindling...#BeLegacyMinded Pay attention

Monica Hardwick
If Middle Class is dwindling...who buys art? The rich!! How long before the artists become the serfs? Pay attention. Every artist should be concerned with eradicating poverty. EVERY ARTISTS.

#StPete Monica Hardwick - The Great American Comeback #BeLegacyMinded

Wiser, Fitter, Smarter, Excellent Craftsmanship, Values & Exceptionalim. 
Please, be easy on the downloads. Heavy on the hard copies. Real music! Real books! 
Monica Hardwick

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Great American Down Fall: Bigger, Faster, Cheaper, Now! #BeLegacyMinded

Monica Hardwick

Why is Bigger, Faster, Cheaper, Now a bad thing? Because we cheapen our own lives with the artificial. It makes us powerless while it exploits us.

#StPete Women Are Very Powerful #BeLegacyMinded

 It is women who have the most global influence over the way girls and boys develop into adults:
Monica Hardwick

Friday, August 16, 2013

[AUDIO] #StPete Native Ephraim M. Sykes Lush Radio Interview

Dancer, Singer, Actor, Musician and Choreographer Ephraim M. Sykes talks about Motown, his first starring role in "Leave it on the Floor" and more. Listen:

Monday, August 12, 2013

[VIDEO] Social Media Robots and Slaves Are Lonely #BeLegacyMinded

Social media is turning highly intelligent, learned and educated people into robots and slaves.
The robots post and post and post incessantly about NOTHING. While the slaves just follow along adopting whatever campaign there is out there.
It is painful to watch.
I challenge you: BE ON A SOCIAL MEDIA MISSION. Get a plan!
Create your own conversations and/or campaigns, #hashtag, topic, etc. Not just follow some other person's [unless you share a vision]. 

Watch this video and then share:
The Innovation of Loneliness from Shimi Cohen on Vimeo.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Leverage Relationships Instead of Take Advantage - #BeLegacyMinded

We must learn to leverage our relationships and friendships to garner the results needed for endeavors. Unless services are offered, instead of taking advantage of the relationships and friendships by using services for free, figure out how to provide a trade; an exchange of services.

Monica D. Hardwick